Of Measles & Exams

I have finished all my theory modules and clinical rotations for the year ! I should be doing a celebratory dance around my room but my first exam is in a matter of days and I am in study mode 💪📚

Internal Medicine , dare I say, was one of my favourite modules this year! I thought I would hate it but it was really amazing. My clinical partner and I struck the jackpot for great groups and great doctors once again. Our team was simply awesome ! 

Our doctors gave us lots of tutorials and really made the 4 weeks we spent on the firm wonderful. The student interns that were with us were so patient and helpful. I would do the entire rotation over if I had the opportunity to work with any of them again. We worked very hard , joined ward rounds and did endless streams of ward work but I was so happy doing the work and happy to be learning so much that I didn’t have time to complain about it (sometimes😅). 

There were many sad stories on this rotation. Many stories full of heartbreak that I shall regale you with once exams are over. 

The only thing that made this rotation a little scary was the OSCE that we had to prepare for in the last week .We were randomly allocated doctors who would randomly allocate a patient for us to do a proper history and a specific system examination on. 

The patient that I took a history from and examined had chronic liver failure. I had to take his history , do a general examination on him and then an abdominal examination. His history , symptoms , and the signs that I observed and elicited on examination were textbook perfection 🙌. 

I nearly cried with joy when he started telling me his story. My examiner was great. I felt nervous initially but that anxiety dissipated as the OSCE continued. I passed the OSCE just btw💃💃 One of many more to go🙌

Now onwards to exams , my first being Neurosciences 1. I am mentally exhausted after enduring such a long year but I know that I have enough reserve to power through the last few weeks that I have left.

The next three weeks need a lot of prayer and almsgiving on my part. I am planning to focus and study as best as I can so I can enjoy my intended 6 weeks (six whole weeks 💃💃) with no stress and no worries😊🎄🏄

I was also lucky enough to get measles from somewhere  😭Studying whilst every inch of your skin itches is an extremely painful process to undergo😞 But I will survive ! Onwards and Upwards 🌼🌸

Lots of Lily Love ( ❤ ❤ <3)


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