Lily is my name . . . procrastination is my game.

“Hi everyone , I’m Lily and I am a procrastinator “

You begin with the harmless intention of doing an activity as simple as checking your email and 2-3 hours later you find yourself reading fanfiction on tumblr. It just happens that way.

I am a procrastinator. I have been one for as long as I can remember. When I was younger, my mom would send me off to fetch something and  I would emerge hours later with the requested object having become distracted by something or someone. Procrastination would find me somehow.

Excuse me while I procrastinate my life away !
Excuse me while I procrastinate my life away !

As I have grown older , the impact of procrastination on my life has decreased significantly and I now find that I am able to display lengthy periods of intense  concentration and focus, especially when studying . I am more aware of the consequences of procrastination and I have become “good” at managing this life changing condition. Sometimes, however, I succumb to the very worst of my fears and I fall back into my habit of procrastination.

Things that I’ve done when I probably should have been studying during the last 96 hours (Friday-Monday):

1. Had a Harry Potter film marathon ( 8*2.5= 20 hours). This is a yearly event. I often go through an intense longing for the wizarding world and I immerse myself into it by either reading the books ( usually ) or watching the movies. This year I decided to watch the movies . A book marathon would take me at least a week to complete and I really don’t have that much time.

The level of feels is just too damn high right now !

2. Updated my Pottermore account – my third one : I keep forgetting my password ( 2 hours)

3. Attended a highschool reunion – yep, it was too soon (1.5 hours) .There was free food and who can resist the allure of a meal for which you do not have to spend a single cent or have to wash the dishes

4. Read a novel – for the first time in months ! ( 3 hours ) . The Morning Gift-  Eva Ibbotson. A comfort read. I have a tendency to re-read my favourite books.

6. Lay on bed and thought about life and it’s meaning – that’s what I do in my existential lily mode ( 3 hours)

7. Sleep – I’ve been sleeping for at least 8 hours a day ( 32 hours )

8. “Other” –   It was a combination of social media, YouTube , eating and tumblr. ( +- 14.5 hours). I remember reading a rather strange dramione ( draco and hermione) fan fiction that had me spasming with laughter for a good half an hour. The things one finds on tumblr and wattpad .

9. The rest is the time is the actual amount of studying time I completed  this weekend. ( 20 hours)


 I will have to persevere and study diligently for my pharmacology test. . . starting tomorrow 🙂 (Just kidding – i’ll start today :))

I'm projecting  strong Harry Potter vibes and I probably will for the rest of this month :) Prepare yourself for Potthead GIFS from this obsessive fangirl :)
I’m projecting strong Harry Potter vibes and I probably will for the rest of this month 🙂 Prepare yourself for Potthead GIFS from this obsessive fangirl 🙂

Lots Of Lily Love ❤ (LOLL)

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